Nothing has come easy for Victorian Sprintcar sensation Jamie Veal this season across Australia.

He has criss-crossed the Country all summer chasing the big money events and established himself with more wins and runner up spots on the podium than any other driver.

His biggest goal was to collar the Australian championship in WA, but that honour was taken by Point Cook’s David Murcott who went back to back.

Veal (pictured hard at work in this classic Gary Reid image) slam dunked the field to win the SRA round at Moama on Saturday night and is working on his preparation for the annual Eureka Great Southern Showdown at Avalon Raceway on Saturday week.

The event is of significant importance to the talented driver as it could reward him with a $20.000 new car from premiership sponsor Essendon Ford.

He presently sits in second place behind Daniel Pestka who ventilated two engines in one night at Moama with a bottom line loss of $40.000.

“Jamie has enjoyed an exceptional season nationally, but you can’t sniff your nose at twenty grand as the summer draws to a close,” said Raceway spokesman Jeff Drew last night.

Drivers representing four States have entered for the Showdown that will be held over the AGP weekend.

Promoters have scheduled the Showdown to coincide with the F1 round at Albert Park to give those into serious horsepower and an abundance of overtaking their fix for the weekend.

Racing will commence under the lights at 7.00 p.m Saturday 14th March.